Come explore Ephrata, PA, one of the most picturesque main streets in the US.
Here are some of this month’s seasonally appropriate attractions:
Events to Visit For
Click to learn more about each attraction.
Jingle Bell Tour: December 9th, 2022
The Jingle Bell Tour is BACK for the ninth season! Mainspring of Ephrata cordially invites you to this special community event.
Christmas at the Cloister: December 12-13, 2022
Spend a few moments in quiet reflection with seasonal readings and holiday music in the historic Saal. Two programs are offered each night, one starting at 6:30 p.m. and the other at 8:00 p.m.
Christmas Classic Movies: Dec. 22
Enjoy a holiday favorite in our historic downtown Ephrata theatre! Today’s showing is How the Grinch Stole Christmas featuring Jim Carey and the 1947 classic It Happened On Fifth Avenue.
Lantern Tours at the Cloister: December 27-20, 2022 (These sell out extremely quickly)
These special tours don’t tell the full Ephrata story but take you back in time to visit with a special story. Each year offers a new story with a cast of junior and senior high school students playing the roles that bring history to life. The one hour tours start every half-hour each night and reservations are required and can be made by calling the Visitor Center at 717-733-6600 beginning December 1. Admission charged.
Ephrata Unexpected ~ New Year’s Celebration 2022: December 31st, 2022 to January 1st, 2023
On Saturday, December 31, Mainspring of Ephrata is hosting its first-ever New Year’s Eve Celebration from 9:30pm – 12:00am! The Square in downtown Ephrata will come alive to ring in the New Year!
Annual Holiday Train Show: Nov. 27- Jan 16, 2023
The Short Line Model Railroad Club, 11 S. State St., Ephrata, Pa., will hold its annual Holiday Train Show every Saturday & Sunday, from 11/26/22 until 1/16/23 (closed Christmas & NY’s) 1-4pm.